
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
― Ray Bradbury

Hello fellow drunkards, and welcome to the creation that stops me from writing novels and job hunting. I’m Minelli, a 26 year old London-native in Southern California, who likes to get drunk off words (and a few other things). I have a cat, a husband, and a literature habit. Some words to describe me are: used book store junkie, ‘aspiring’ writer, ungodly procrastinator, vagabond, creative as shit. I’m a lover of good words in literature, science fiction, and thought-provoking nonfiction. When I’m not on the blogosphere I teach yoga and assist nurses.

Now that introductions are done, please click around and enjoy some short stories and other “writerly” things. And if you do enjoy something you see here, let me know by saying hello!

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Great blog, Minelli. You say you’re hoping to develop your style and write well, but you already have a great style – informative and chatty – with real character. Good luck with your writing adventures 🙂

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